Why it’s OK to ask for help

“Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith.” Galatians 6:10 NLT

I need to share something with you that will make you privy to the less than savory details of my adult life: I still have meltdowns. Sometimes I think toddlers have a leg up on me because they’re more adorable, but it’s that woeful combination of overstimulation, too much work, needing a snack and probably a nap as well. This toxic cocktail is the fuel in the combustion engine because once the ingredients are combined, the countdown to a meltdown has begun. When I take on too much (work, responsibility, stress etc.) meltdowns are inevitable. But asking for help isn’t always easy either.

While I often wear independence as a badge of honor, there is something beautiful about being able to serve another person. Dropping off a meal, picking up a kid, grabbing something extra at the grocery store for someone who forgot it….I don’t hesitate to do these kinds of things for others, but I hesitate to ask them to be done for me. And here’s where the two ideas collide and reveal a pretty big truth: meltdowns are less messy if you ask for help. In order to ask for help, you have to lay down wearing your independence badge of honor like it’s your job. 

In the body of Christ, it’s our job to need, serve, and be there for each other. 

Slowly and I mean…..sloooooowly we’re getting the message that it’s OK to ask for help. As Galatians 6:10 exhorts us, we should be “doing good to everyone, especially those who are members of the body of Christ.” In short, it is our job to be looking after one another, serving each other and doing the good that we can. 

As I’ve been chewing over this reality lately, I felt prompted by the Lord to start asking for help. It wasn’t easy. Asking almost made me sick to my stomach at first, but then I realized it would only get easier the more I asked. So, I started, and I found out that letting my guard down didn’t overburden everyone else around me nor did it burn the world down. My husband went out of town for a few weeks, and people took me to lunch, brought me meals and even took my kids to youth group so I could have a break. Some precious friends even took me out on a very tough day, and presented me with a gift card and flowers. Looking back, it only cost me my pride to put my hand up, and in place of that I was humbled to the point of gratitude overflowing to be able to see others step in when I needed help. It gives all of us the opportunity to step in, when someone else needs help. And the beautifully ironic thing is, we’re more than eager to pay it forward next time someone else is in need. My advice to you is put your hand up if you need help and if you feel like you don’t, be willing to offer it to others. There are few things more beautiful than the body of Christ acting like it should: loving and serving like our beautiful Jesus.

Go head, you’ve got nothing to loose except maybe some pride and a less than savory meltdown.

So much love,


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