“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!
His faithful love endures forever.” Psalm 136:1 NLT
Let’s step back from the noise, pause, and give our souls a moment of rest. Those endless lists and pressures can cease their clamor, and for a moment give yourself the pause that is needed and shift your focus back to Jesus. (Feel free to grab a journal or simply practice the following exercise by articulating things aloud)
Take a deep breath.
And another one…..or ten if you need it.
Let’s begin:
Take a second just to be still and let the vibrance of his faithful love cover everything. He loves you, let that love wash over you. If you have to name things or distractions in order to leave them at the feet of Jesus, go ahead. But in place of whatever you are laying down, ask him to be what you pick up. Let go of striving. Comparison. Stress. Take on his love. His peace. His Rest.
Take a deep breath.
Think about what you have to be grateful for: Health. Friends. Family. Provision. etc. Thank Jesus for those things.
Think about what you feel that is challenging you: Time. Work. Relationships. etc. Thank Jesus for those things. They might represent miracles waiting to be fulfilled or opportunities to build trust in him.
Take a deep breath.
Ask Jesus for eyes to see, and ears to hear and then ask him “where have you been working this past year?”
Thank him.
His redemptive power is constantly at work in our lives. Ask him “what are you working to redeem in my life right now?”
Thank him.
Ask him “is there anything else I am holding onto that you want me to lay down?”
Whatever it is, give it to Jesus and thank him for taking the burden.
And now ask him “is there anything that you want me to take up?”
Whatever it is, thank Him, and take it up.
To close, take a deep breath and ask to be made more aware of his presence in and through the day. Thank Him for always being with you.
Take a deep breath.
In the middle of all the noise, don’t forget the most important thing: connection to Jesus.
So much love,